"You're part of me.
But were you the best part ?"
But were you the best part ?"
school is starting in like 3 more days !
oh, tolooonng !
okay. actually i do miss going back to school.
yes. oh, doing all those maths question.
my fav. cracking my brain on it. but i can never get good on it.
wonder why. i wish i had those big maths brain where i could get super high marks for maths.
hee. mimpi jerr besar.
yes. talking about school, i wonder why do we have to go to school this friday ? its like a waste. simply could rescheduled to monday kan ? "Govt. stupid" that is what my nenek would say.
roflol. she always have some comments that to her is not funny but to us it is.
and, seriously. i need a job. who cares what job it is. as long as they pay me. that day, i saw abg halif working at Action Toys at Millienia Walk. semangat tak boleh angks ! roflol. and oh god, i do miss my darling friends. gotta meet them soon. and mummy, shower me with money. [mcm rhyming gitu kan ?] i want raise in pocket money horr. hee.
i miss you stupid. go Jakarta must buy me something nice okeh ?
gila, your adeq in our school ? hee. padan muka lor.
bila mau keluar lagy ? miss you truckloads.
k bye (: (: