was reading our past conversation and somehow i teared seeing how close
we once were and how far apart we are now.
Tag Replies !
Ain ; Wah babe ! He give hersheys, share okeyh ? Sayang Ain! Haha . I dont have Rashid's no. lerrr . Sorry .
Farhanah ; Linked up alr okay ? (:
Stehffie ; Haha . Welcome darla . I'll make sure i'll see your smile in school horh . Haha . Seems like the people around you are caring right ? ^^
Bro : Yayah (thats what he calls me . -.-") , smell my hair . Faster !
Me : *smells it to make him happy* Hmmm . Nice .
Bro : I use the skinpro shampoo you know! (trying to refer to silkpro)