Monday, April 26

Heya Lovelies.

Well, yes, I'm sorry for updating lesser and lesser by the moment.
I simply spend less time here. Hehe .

Yes. Prelims is like sprinting towards me. Its like 3 more steps to the finishing line.
Oh no.
I have really put in a lot of effort into this.
I don't wanna fail again.

I just cant wait to get it over and done with.
Its really one of the things i really hate.

I don't wanna go through that op. Its too scary for people to cut me up.
But i cant avoid it. If i wanna carry on this lifestyle, i will have to go through it.
But i cant change anything. He's too arrogant to even care about my health.
He wants to pay for such an expensive one is it? Know what? Im just gonna go with the flow. But one thing for sure is that I HAVE TO BE STRONG. :'(

I guess im off.
Seriously tired and in need of sleep.

Thursday, April 8

Heya lovelies !

Well, yeah, as you can see i have not been updating my blog recently.
Mostly due to stupid computer making problems, too much homework or simply pure laziness.
Hee !

Well, lotsa things has happen lately.
Some are awesomely fun and some are just pain in the ass.
Yeah, it feels as if there are like a thousand needles on a chair poking on your butt when you sit down on that particular chair.

But yeah, it has been awesome.
simply said.


I'll update when i feel like it.
Or when someone forces me to do it.
But this blog will probably be taking a nap.
MYE is running towards me already!

Okay, it really feels retarded.
I feel like im talking to a computer.
Oh whatever.

