You dont understand , boy .
There are times when I hate you
But I don’t complain
Cause I’ve been afraid that you would've walk away
Oh but now I don’t hate you
I’m happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day
Weeehooo ~
Add maths paper is so over .
Glad so . But i seriously know i am so gonna F-A-I-L .
Great aye ?
Okay . One more freaking 2h paper and im free .
Food nutrition .
Gotta just brush up and poof i am so ready .
Currently just lazing around on my darn pink bed with my pink lappy .
LOLS . So the pink .
So my saturday was spend with family .
Went to celebrate Tiana and Aiman's birthday which so happend to fall on the last two Thurs .
Aiman on the 7th and Tiana on the 14th .
I know . one week apart eyh ?
And my Sunday was well spent at
masjid .
Baik ke pe ? Budak alim horh . Pakai tudung satu hari . Abeh Hid bangga eh nie ? LOL .
Had madrasah early in the morning .
I was lucky mummy that became my alarm or not i'll be sleeping all the way till afternoon .
And as usual the four of us will be late .
We were like 15 mins late .
We always come i fours .
After that had tuition .
Me and chinoneh came obviously late .
We came like 1 and a half hour late .
Baik ke pe ?
We then 'lepak-ed' at the 'Yaqin's Suite ' as quoated from Deen, my so-called tutor .
He said that because they had a room with
1) a so-called kitchen with nothing
2) a working table ( which is still working well but the chairs -.-"" )
3) a wooden couch with no cushions
4) the toilet is soo near them . Female toilet .
Great aye ?
While i was semangat-semangat studying add maths , Ain and Deen was shooting balls to i don't know where but i know balls were all over the place at that time.
And the balls , kept hitting me , thanks to Deen .
An because he was bored , he went on a search spree and found this toy which to me seems like golf .

whoa .
Ain was told to delete this photo but as you have known Ain ...
Head home after tuition and again , continued my studying spree .
And thanks to Deen's notes, i think i have studied quite enough to answer those frigging questions .
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALY !!Wish you all the best .
I'll be here for you okay ?
May you succeed in your future endorsements .
May your life be filled with lots of love, happiness and tons of crappiness .
Hid <3
Im done now .