Thursday, July 30
hug me . LOL
Wednesday, July 29
Saw you from the distance,
Saw you from the stage,
Something 'bout the look in your eyes,
Something 'bout your beautiful face,
In a sea of people,
There was only you,
I never knew what this song was about,
But suddenly now I do,
Trying to reach out to you,
Touch my hand,
Reach out as far as you can,
Only me, only you, and the band,
Trying to reach out to you,
Touch my hand,
Can't let the music stop,
Can't let this feeling end,
Cause if I do it'll all be over,
I'll never see you again,
Can't let the music stop,
Until I touch your hand,
Cause if I do it'll all be over,
I'll never get the chance again,
I'll never get the chance again,
I'll never get the chance again,
I see the sparkle of a million flashlights,
I wonder why all the the stars,
But the one that's shining out so bright,
Is the one right where you are,
Trying to reach out to you,
Touch my hand,
Reach out as far as you can,
Only me, only you, and the band,
Trying to reach out to you,
Touch my hand,
Can't let the music stop,
Can't let this feeling end,
Cause if I do it'll all be over,
I'll never see you again,
Can't let the music stop,
Until I touch your hand,
Cause if I do it'll all be over,
I'll never get the chance again,
I'll never get the chance again,
Saw you from the distance,
Saw you from the stage,
Something 'bout the look in your eyes,
Something 'bout your beautiful face,
Can't let the music stop,
Can't let this feeling end,
Cause if I do it'll all be over,
I'll never see you again,
Can't let the music stop,
Until I touch your hand,
Cause if I do it'll all be over,
I'll never get the chance again,
I'll never get the chance again,
Trying to reach out to you,
Touch my hand, (I'll never get the chance again)
Reach out as far as you can, (I'll never get the chance again)
Only me, only you, and the band,
Trying to reach out to you,
Touch my hand,
Yeah, yeah
Falling falling falling in love with this song .
Haha .I dont love him like some crazy fans though .
I prefer that rocker David Cook .I adore him .Haha .
Today spell normal .
Not much happened .
Besides me being stalked by some bangla .
See lah dear , never send me home right ?
Haha .
Not dear's fault too though .
Haha .
He followed me from the cross junction at the swimming complex there .
Then all the way till 761 .
He stopped following when i was in one of the shops .
Cause obviously there are people around .
Haha .
And the cops that drove past us did nothing .
Gosh ~
Its over though .
Haha .
Im boreeeeddd .
Haha .
Buffalo wings taste like chickens !
-Alyaa !
Tuesday, July 28
I guess my life seems peretty bad huh ?
Just finished reading my past archives .
Gosh .
Today was pretty bad though .
I wish i could turn back time .
And made it more awesome .
At the start of day was already boring .
And mummy told me we are going to send grandpa to therapy .
I thought were really going to .
So i skipped doing coursework .
And followed them .
And we ended up at a counselling center in Bkit Batok .
In my heart, i was fumiiiiiiing mad .
Yeah . I kena counselling for some family problem .
The only problem im facing is A MATHS !
Goshh ~
So, counselling, didnt believe i would actually cried .
Haha .
W O W .
And i really got punked !
Haha . By mummy .
W O W .
Drive down to Woodland checkpont there .
Ate late lunch .
Haha . Kampong style fried rice
Seedaaaaaaappp !
Head off to fetch lil bro .
He had swimming
haha .
And his shirt was wet at the wrong place
diao .
Haha .
I need some random thinking again .
Imagine if macaroni and cheese, and chicken bolognaise were to combine in one , how would it taste huh ?
Haha .
Im feeling blue ( as in coulour ) again dear !
Hahah .
Monday, July 27
Random thinking .

I should probably explain about the last post .
Haha .
Well, its all because of a SIMPLE thing .
I have been hearing about people hating people here and there .
Like almost every other day .
How could i not get irritated .
Leave that aside .
The reason im blogging right now is that i am boorrreeedddd .
Haha .
School today is one of the days that you drag yourself out of bed thinking that it will be awesome and then you found out its the total opposite .
Oh no !
I hate those days .
But hell, i have gone through it .
I should probably eat chocolate early in the morning so i could be retarded and random for once that it will just made my day more awesome .
Haha .
Well , the start of the day is already so boring .
Yeah, i owe teachers like 3 homeworks and the teachers made big fuss about it .
Unless if i owe it like a year already . -.-
And as if I'm gonna spend gazillion hours trying to complete it .
I'd rather spend that hours go catch up my sleep .
I know .
I would like to be the bad girl for once .
Haha .
Oh ya .
Yesterday after religous class, on the way home , Sasa, Shasha and me were randomly talking .
And i realised all those hot mat rep guys who would ask for you number are all like players .
Its so difficult to find a hot guy who would keep thier promise on being with you forever and being faithful .
I rather go marry that geek in the library cause they are the only who will get rich one day when all those mats would only get a low wage job .
No offence .
Haha .
Im off now .
Sunday, July 26
Releasing that anger .
I wish I could fly .
And i wanna eat cheesecake .
Haha . Random thinking.
I know .
Good things always comes in pairs .
But what about bad things?
Do they come in flocks ?
I dont understand human .
Though me myself is a human .
All thosecrazy things human does .
And mostly are those adding sins to us .
I dont seem to get what is so special about it that makes us doing it again and again .
One minute you were my friend, the next, my enemy .
Is that what Tyra Banks call 'frenemies' or what Aini call 'fair-whether friends' .
They come to us when they dont have anyone and the next hour they call you bitches in front of their new friends .
Or probably say things totally the opposite of you to someone who thinks highly of you .
And all I could say about these types of goody two shoes are that they have no freaking lives .
If you hate a person, then spend the rest of your life hating them until you feel like they deserved to be forgiven to , then you can be friends and love them wholeheartedly .
Or probably spend the rest of your life hating them for only god knows the reason .
Its no use being a goody two shoes you know .
Its all an act to be nice to them and give them high hopes .
Its like putting on thick makeup trying to cover your ugly pimples .
So think about it .
In my opinion, i rather go apologized and be honest to them than be an idiot putting on thick makeup and still look ugly .
And all i could say is
"Siapa makan cili, dia lah yang terasa pedas"
Or in english,
" The one who eats the chilli will feel the heat. "
Saturday, July 25
Look into your heart.
Friday, July 24
when it starts showering
I feel like skipping today .
As in hop .
Oh nevermind .
I love myself .
Okayyyy .. Randomness .
Gosh ~
So, school wasnt bad but it was boring .
Imagine having double period of E maths , A maths, Malay then English .
Boring much .
Walked home with Aly and WS .
Gosh ~ My leg was begging me to stop .
Hahha .
I wish to have wings and flyyyyyyyyy .
Hahah .
Slacked at home and then head off for a last minute meet up with Dear .
Haha .
Head to AMK , granny's place to slack .
But first fetch bro .
I didnt know bro talked to himself .
I actually got no idea on what to blog about .
But since dear wanted me to blog .
Haha .
Im such an obedient darling right dear ?
I wanna head off to Dreamland now .
Haha .
Byeeeeeee ~
Monday, July 20
i love my dear can ? ^^

Okay . That was randoooommmm .
Hahah .
Ohh . Had a great + not so great day today .
Had madrasah early in the morning .
As usual , the four of us will always be lateee .
Haha .
And only in the morning , Ain told me there's no tuition due to H1N1. Damn H1N1 !
And were gonna go watch football with Fyqaa at Anderson Sec .
And I did bring extra clothes . -.-"
So , only way is to ask Fyqaa to lend me some .
Haha .
After madrasah got that dikir barat thingy .
Haha .
Amri & Zul ! Thanks for accompanying the 3 of us ( Me , Ain and Fyqaa ) home!
Happy dear ?
Friday, July 17
missing you
Did a quiz .
And i guess its really kinda true .
Wow .
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
Wednesday, July 15
happybelatedbirthdaytome !
cartoons in class
HAHA . Random kan ?
I know . I know .
Hahha .
Today's lesson wasnt that bad .
Quite fun . Thanks to the last 5 period of the day (excluding SMART)
During th last period of F&N Ms Liana ended updrawing Jarrett and some others .
Funny i tell you .
Cant seem to stop laughing .
And my stimach kinda hurt .
And adding to the laugh was Ms Liana drawing WS face with that idiotic ;o face of his .
Eyh , know what ?
Im gonna go start on my F&N and Geog !
Tuesday, July 14
i have weak immune system

But my throat is sore .
Damn .
Skipped school . Had fever in the morning .
Went to the clinic and the doctor and he said i got no fever . -.-
I think his thermometer something wrong .
Dang !
Had one day MC cause of my damn asthma . My asthma always attacks me at the wrong time .
Haiyoh . Was just looking forward to F&N today and there goes my day spending it in front of my lappy .
Great .
I wanna thank some people for wishing me the best .
Ain & Richo ; Thanks for spending the day with me aites ? Owe you two a big one !
Gonna go now .
Sunday, July 12
my darling Tiana .

I dont see why her own friends whom she trust so mych ended up backstabbing her .
Maybe she is just not outspoken enough or maybe too reserved .
But that doesnt mean theu could take advantage of her .
I cant help but just beginning to hate they way they yreated her .
I hated it when she starts swearing whenever she talks about them .
Not that i myself is not angry but i dont see the point of her swearing .
Its not gonna make it better .
She never swears at them . But swears to herself .
Not my fault that she is too shy and reserved .
She probably keeps everything to herself .
And at the end of the day . me and her will lie on our bed and just talk randomly .
Things about our day , crushes , love but mostly we talked about her friends .
I became interested in hearing . And suddenly i somehow feel insulted too .
By the way they treated her .
And i kept seeing her moving from one friend to another .
I saddens me to see her like that .
She doesnt trust anyone else to pour her secrets to anymore besides me .
To all her freinds , I seriously think you should apologized to her sincerely .
You dont now how hurtful it is to be called a poser and such stuffs .
Reading from Syazana tagboard , You yourself know how hurtful it feels .
And i dont see why you guys seems to hate her so much .
You should be lucky you have a frined like her who i can say one of a kind .
And maybe you should treasure her .
You may not show it to her that you hated her . But by your everyday actions , It really shows your hatred .
You guys are still young . And maybe dont understand the word karma .
Or never go through it before .
But just remember this .
You will one day need a true friend , and one day you will realise that that true friend may be the one you hated before .
So , threasure them .
Make friends and not enemies.
And adeq, never hate your friends .
I love you though .
Saturday, July 11
Friday, July 10
Thursday, July 9
that incomplete feeling
Wednesday, July 8
another day without you
Smile though your heart is aching .
-Charlie Chaplin, Smile .
I cant help but cried while watching the tribute just now .
I wonder how his children will cope .
And his family .
And i kinda agree with mummy .
Shouldn't they like baca yaasin for him ?
Or at least a tahlil since he's a muslim now .
Instead of a tribute ?
Betul kan ?
Okay , random .
My day today seems bleak .
Boring . Haha .
A maths desnt seems difficult today .
Had F&N practical .
Did Kuih Pisang .
Somehow , my mood was disastrous today .
Got mad at WS and Jarrett .
At least WS apologized .
Haha .
Had laughs with the malay guys during Project Work .
Was irritated at Firah and I DONT CARE !
Go to hell with her attitude . Fvuk it .
Spent the rest of the day slacking and doing hw .
Somehow i kinda miss Salam .
I dont know why .
Remember when i told u i'll hold on to you ?
Tuesday, July 7
it's okay ; it's alright .
Hey hey hey !
Mates made me laugh again .
And again and again .
I just realised that being single is much more free .
You could just lead life without 24 hours thinking of whatever he is doing .
And i think i seriously need a break from all this shitxzxzxz !
Haha . Im tired of wasting my breath on some people who is full of self-ego .
Enough of this shitzxzxz yaw !
I love today .
Maybe because Add maths wasnt that difficult .
Maybe because F&N wasnt that boring .
Maybe because Malay was really sucky as usual .
Maybe because Physics wasnt that complicated .
But most of all , darling classmates made me laugh .
Here's something that made me smile .
During EL , I was sitting in front of Wensheng .
At the end of the period , Heying told me this .
"Eh Hidayah , Wensheng said you are his concubine ."
Confused much , I went home and check the meaning out.
Check it out here !
Its not true .
Haha . It was some joke .
Oh , and have I mention malay sucks ?
Haha .
Know what ? Im gonna burn my eyes watching random vids on youtube now then .
Tc !
Sunday, July 5
lifeless pretty doll .