Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with Ain Chinoneh !
H-E-L-L-O !
Haha . Currently H-U-N-G-R-Y .
Like obviously . Its what you get when the last time you ate was at 5am .
And the next time you could eat is at 7.13pm .
Annnnddddd ... Its what you call fasting !
I dont know why I'm updating .
Gosh . Thanks to Almighty Sheng .
(whom i think is not as almighty as he thinks. cause i still ROCKS ! and not forgetting i rock him out of his socks! )Muahahha . Okay lame . Haha .
Well, since its the holy month of Ramadhan , I shall talk about the benefits of it .
So long as i dont sound like an
ustadzah, it'll be fine .
But if i do sound like one, warn me ! Hahah .
So, Fasting or what you call puasa is a must for all muslim in this month.
We follow the Islamic calendar though .
That is why you never see Hari Raya falls on the same date every year .
But instead its always jumps one month back .
For e.g. in 2008, Hari raya was in Oct . But in 2009 , Hari raya will be in Sept .
Why ? It is because in the Islamic calendar we only have 11 months .
Dont ask me why. Cause i myself dont even know .
But why do Muslims fast ?
Its is a must to fast for all muslim as it lets us experience how poor people in other countries suffer without food .
It also benefits our body .
In a good way .
Research has shown that fasting can help in losing weight .
It is actually better than dieting or some weird diets like soy bean diets which Beyonce does .
Haha .
Okay . So that is just like the gist of it .
But i wonder why those old uncles still go to coffee shops in the middle of the day to have a drink . Even worser some even drinks alcohol in this month , im the middle of the day .
I bet their skins are even thicker of that of a wall .
Ad they dont even feel shameful when they see a small kid fasting .
Gosh . What is gonna happen to the world man .
For all i know sick people , women having menstruation or people who have low IQ are required not to fast .
But dont tell me they are sick cause they drink in groups .
They obviously are not woman (Cause i mention
uncles) .
And even low IQ people dont drink . At least they have common sense and that mndset that muslims dont take alcohol .
So, why ?
And oh ya .
I was on the way home .
And i was bringing a plastic bag of food for break fast later .
And i bought bubble tea too .
Cause i am too lazy to get out of the house to buy food later on .
Was walking under one of the blocks and there is these group of guys
lepaking there .
As i was walking past them, one of the guys there shouted at me in a sarcastic manner in malay , "Alamak. Buy food so early sia . Not even
buka time . Got bubble tea some more . I bet she never fast one ! "
He said that so loudly i bet the whole block can hear . ( wait . i guess im exaggerating . gosh )
And what is worse is that his friend beside him was smoking
in his Yishun Sec uniform .
And obviously his friend is
not fasting ! And he was smoking too ! OMG . And he still dares to say that i am not fasting when i actually am .
Goodness gracious .
I seriously felt like bursting out at that time .
I just feel like shouting " Before talking about other people, maybe you should check yourself in the mirror first . "
But since people who are fasting should be patient, therefore i am patient for once .
Gosh .
Okay, know what ? I am gonna stop talking about that now .
Kinda flares me up with anger .
Soon you'll see smoke coming out of my ears .
Gosh .
Oh, Overdued pictures !
Haha .
Just feel like posting them !

That sexuality talk at masjid some time ago .
Haha .

Haflah two weeks ago . Mirror totally sucks .