When you feel that the whole world is against you, don't just sit in that corner and cry your heart out.
Instead, stand up tall and conquer everything that's in your way. Only then, you'll be the strongest.
It doesn't matter if someone knocks you down with thier words. Ignore it. Even if those words seems true to you, just ignore.
Those words are from mouths which are haters and not lovers.
Everyone has thier enemy. Its just about how you oercome your enemy.
They say 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.'
Even if they try to be nice to you, don't fall for their tricks.
I have fallen into their deathtrap and hell, its difficult to get out.
At times, i feel inferior to them.
But then again, how powerful are they that I should be scared to?
The only person i should be scared to is God.
And also, they themselves are inferior towards themselves.
Maybe , what made them the way they are is their bad childhood or lack of love from thier families.
So, let me say this.
Go ahead and lead your own life and I lead mine.
I shall act as if you're invisible. Thank you.
All I know now is that, I have bestfriends to guide me through this world full of hypocrites.
And no doubt, I love them to bits.
Without fail, they had been there all the time.
Dozens of stories has been exchanged, be it tough heartbreaks and broken hearts or even crushes.
They had been there.
They say " Boys come and go, friends stick till the very end.'
And remember, a friend to all is a true friend to none.xoxo.